candidate Filing requirements
Candidate filing for april 2025 starts Dec 10 and Ends Dec 31st, 2025, 5 p.m.
Summary – 2025 Filing Requirements
Please note – this list was prepared as a courtesy to prospective candidates and to the public. Candidates are responsible for researching the full requirements and responsibilities of the particular office they seek.
General Qualifications Applicable to All of the Following Offices:
Article VII, § 8, Constitution of Missouri
Citizen of the United States
Resident of the State 1 year next preceding election
Missouri Statutes § 115.306
Is not delinquent in the payment of any state income taxes, personal property taxes, municipal taxes, real property taxes on the place of residence as stated in the declaration of candidacy.
Is not a past or present corporate officer of any fee office that owes any taxes to the State.
No person shall qualify as a candidate who has been found guilty or pled guilty to a felony under the federal laws of the United States of America or to a felony under the laws of this state or an offense committed in another state that would be considered a felony in this state.
Missouri Statutes §130.071.2
In addition to any other penalties provided by law, no person may file for any office in a subsequent election until he or the treasurer of his existing candidate committee has filed all required campaign disclosure reports for all prior elections.
RSMo § 115.349.3
• Resident and registered voter of the County and the State of Missouri at time of filing
Associate Circuit Judge (MO Constitution, Article V §21; MO Statutes, Section 478.320)
Qualified Missouri voter
Resident of Missouri and of County at least one year prior to election
At least twenty-five years old at time of election
Licensed to practice law in Missouri
Presiding Commissioner (Missouri Statutes, § 49.020)
Resident of the County
Clerk of the Circuit Court (Missouri Statutes, Section 483.010)
U.S. Citizen
Resident of the State for at least one year prior to the election
Resident of the County for at least three months prior to the election
Twenty-one years old at time of election
Must continue residency throughout term of office
County Clerk (Missouri Statutes, Section 51.050)
U.S Citizen
Resident of Missouri and of County at least one year prior to election
At least twenty-one years old at time of election
Must continue residency throughout term of office
County Recorder of Deeds (Missouri Statutes, Section 59.021)
Registered voter
Resident of Missouri and of County at least one year prior to election
At least twenty-one years old at time of filing
Must continue residency throughout term of office
Each candidate for county recorder shall provide to the election authority a copy of an affidavit from a surety company authorized to do business in this state that indicates the candidate is able to satisfy the bond requirements under section 59.100
Prosecuting Attorney (Missouri Statutes, Section 56.010)
Duly licensed to practice as an attorney at law in Missouri and enrolled as such
Bona fide resident of the County at least one year prior to election
At least twenty-one years old at time of election
County Collector of Revenue (Missouri Statutes, Section 52.010 and 52.020)
Registered voter of the County at the time of filing
Resident of the State & County for at least one year prior to the date of filing
Must be current in the payment of all state income taxes and personal and real property taxes
Twenty-one years old at time of filing
Provide a signed affidavit from a surety company indicating the candidate meets the bond requirements of $750,000 at time of filing
Must continue residency throughout term of office
County Treasurer (Missouri Statutes, Section 54.040 and 54.070)
Registered voter
Resident of Missouri and of County at least one year prior to election
At least twenty-one years old at time of filing
Must be current in payment of all personal and real estate taxes at time of filing
Provide a signed affidavit from a surety company indicating the candidate meets the bond requirements of $3,000,000 at time of filing
Must continue residency throughout term of office
The following requirements apply to all the preceding offices
All offices are 4(four) year terms beginning on Jan. 1, 2023 (Collector term begins March 1, 2023)
All offices are partisan
All offices are elected by the County-at-large
Candidates will pay a $100.00 filing fee
All candidates must bring a valid ID and a completed form DOR 5120, the DOR 5120 must be Notarized.
Township Committeeman/Committeewoman (Missouri Statutes, 115.607-115.613) (§130.071.2, does not apply to Township Committeemen and Committeewomen)
Each township within the County may elect one Committeeman and one Committeewoman for each political party
Partisan position, must file for a recognized party
2(two) year term
Resident of both the County and the township for at least one year prior to election
Registered voter of both the County and township for at least one year prior to election